No installation required, extract the zip file to a local folder, then double click vhelper.exe
to run
It's reported some company firewall blocks the download due to
Actipro Software is a legitimate business making professional user interface controls VHelper
and VAPPAD rely upon, the code signed version were used by High security government clients
according to them
According to Actipro customer service, due to the obfuscation (protect from reverse
engineering) with certain random sequences, occasionally anti-virus apps might think there
is tampering that trigger a false positive. Please ask IT to unblock those DLLs
Choose proceed if get a warning for unknown publisher, we submit each release to Microsoft
Windows defender to scan
Please send SN (Help->Register) to to request activation key
Update Log
4.6.1 - 2/20/2025
Improved and simplified Link Display Options, able to choose pen thickness
Simplify labling option when Calculate Volume by Segment checked
Improved Routing Layout in the side bar
Export Link demands by segment based on current selection
4.6 - 2/13/2025
Support read VISSIM 2025 file format and display merge/diverge connectors
Display solid line pavement marking when lane changes are forbidden
Display Pavement Markings like turn arrows, zebra crossing and HOV diamond lane
Customize default lane markings
4.5.1 - 1/16/2025
Fix a volume calculation bug when multiple routes start and end at the exact same location
Check Incomplete Routes which have valid link/connector sequence but can not reach destination due to end position
Display Routes Start and End Position in the list
Read last view bounds from .vhelper file
4.5 - 11/10/2024
Import roads and buildings from Open Street Map (OSM)
Easily download OSM data by current view area or lat,long polygon
Improved prompt messages for combining static routings
Fix opening empty file bug
4.4 - 6/3/2024
Support read VISSIM 2024 file format
Provide a default setting when transfer VISUM path
Fix a bug loading Dynamic Traffic Assignment Matrix
4.3 - 5/3/2024
Create static routings from exported VISUM assignment routes through sequence of Nodes - [Transfer VISUM path]
Modify format of VISUM routes through sequence of Links
4.2 - 4/7/2024
Create static routings from exported VISUM assignment routes through sequence of Links - [Transfer VISUM path]
Check and display missing Conflict Areas
Display "replace" and "replace with" path for easier identification
Fix a bug of wrongly reporting cyclic route
Click on connector label in status bar to toggle
4.1 - 3/3/2024
Add function to open Google Street View directly in browser when right click view location in the map
Check routes if valid will return the first problematic Link ID
Add UK left hand traffic option for plotting the Intersection node diagram
Add VISSIM 2023 COM support, fix previous versions COM bug
Fix read prbc file bug
Add splash screen
Improve userbility, click on status bar to toggle those options directly instead of from Options Menu or from shortcut
Prompt warning if Traffic Compostion has duplicate Vehicle Types
Prompt if "Calculate Volume for each Link Segment", the results only show in center line mode
Update .NET Framework to 4.8
4.0 - 10/19/2023
Import custom elevation, clear elevation and report elevation statistics
Highlight connectors with non default lane change distance, warn default lane change distance along a path
Save links with lane change distance distributions by vehicle class
Fix displaying lane change distance bug
3.9.9 - 8/22/2023
Fix saving links coordinates bug
Save links with extra attributes in VISSIM 2023 format
Improved display with large network Reference point
3.9.8 - 8/19/2023
If "Calculate Volume for each Link Segment" is checked, add capability to toggle layers visibility, display links in Normal/All Lanes mode, and to show other network objects such as "Parking Lots"
Label all lanes Link Eval results if "per lane" was chosen
3.9.7 - 7/29/2023
For static routings at the Exact same location with overlapping vehicle types, replicate VISSIM behavior Routing with smaller ID takes precedence, which means those overlapping vehicle types will follow the decision with smaller ID, other unique vehicle types will follow routings correspondingly
Improve UI - combine Demand Volume and Routing options into Demand & Routing tab
Improved cyclic routes check and prompt
Set "discard non-deterministic volumes" default to false
3.9.6 - 7/23/2023
Fix missing label bug when print network
Display user defined volumes
3.9.5 - 6/17/2023
Fix .prbc format bug causing crash
Route replacement when start/end links are the same as original routes
3.9.4 - 3/12/2023
Demand calculation - static routing decisions will be effective if start at Exact location of other
upstream decision's stop location (end green markers)
Fix Vehicle Input doesn't show bug
Prompt for "movement' field if missing in the Node output attributes file
Display Link ID in some network objects tooltip
3.9.3 - 2/7/2023
Check RBC signals timing against Synchro csv file
Support new .prbc format
Allow customize label color in the speed heat map
3.9.2 - 12/13/2022
Improve application startup speed
Reduce map scroll sensitiveness
Fix a bug showing Detector, RSA
3.9.1 - 11/2/2022
Export VISSIM network to GeoJSON format, support both Line and Polygon mode
Fix a bug when multiple VISSIM network stitched together, the Longitude calculation could be out
of (-180, 180) range
3.9 - 10/31/2022
Support web map background
Currently supports OpenStreetMap, OpenTopoMap, Google Maps, Stamen, CartoDB and Bing map
For Bing maps, need fill in your own API key, free tier option allows about 10,000 images
pull per month, should be suffice for most cases
Ctrl M shortcut key to toggle Web map layer visibility
One click (right-click) to export VISSIM network and diagrams in current viewport to image file
supports both PNG (background transparent) and JPEG
export current viewport, WYSIWYG - what you see is what you get
Improved Print, print entire VISSIM network or diagrams at the center of the page
for large network, choose a large paper size and high quality setting like 4000 dpi for
better graphics rendering
Add the option to display VISSIM network bounding box
Show Shortest Path total length
Zoom to full Route/Shortest Path/Link extends, not the start or center point
Allows to lock certain OD pair volumes in the ODME
3.8.2 - 10/17/2022
Able to handle VISSIM 2022 COM
3.8.1 - 10/16/2022
Update .NET Framework 4.6.2; Microsoft no longer provides support to .NET 4.5.2 after
April 26, 2022
Updated Actipro user interface DLLs to latest version 22.1.3 to avoid false blockage
Option to show statistics watermark
Improved look, use Actipro Navigation Bar/Explorer Bar for common VISSIM network objects sidebar
(Free) Traffic Assignment for TNTP network
3.8 - 10/10/2022
New Registration code
OD Matrix Estimation (ODME) - import balanced Synchro file, one click ODME, import seed matrix
and output result matrix, in-place edit of OD pair, statistics chart
Improved link labeling layout, avoid collisions
Start Vehicle Inputs ID from 1 when creating new ones
Moved DTA matrix to Other Objects Window
Intersection diagram will ignore Ped Links by default
Improved checking network coding
Check missing Signal Heads on adjacent lanes
Check possing missing lanes in downstream connectors
3.7.1 - 9/20/2022
Double click link in the list will highlight the link in the Map window in addition to zoom to
Improved checking network coding
Double click error will highlight the associated network element in addition to zoom to
Add checking downstream connectors possible missing lanes
Ignore right-turn/left-turn connectors when checking connector lane change distance
Ignore Ped links when checking possible missing RSA
Improved message for routing error
Fix the bug, the imported MOE .att file name not shown up
3.7 - 9/9/2022
Export SSAM 3 result .csv file to GeoJSON
Import conflicts from SSAM 3 result .csv file and visualize them in the network with options
Convert VISSIM vehicle record (.fzp) file to SSAM 3 trajectory (.trj) format
Support individual lane display types
Performance improvement, link lanes and lane markings treated as single link visual
Fix the bug in the Intersection diagram, some U-turns displayed last
Improved prompt and message in the MOE window
3.6.3 - 5/13/2022
Fix Warning messages bug, this could cause VHelper to crash sometimes
Fix routing warnings not shown bug if calculate volume by link segment
3.6.2 - 3/21/2022
Support Lane Change Distribution
Able to calculate demand of sibling partial routes with different vehicle classes
Fix partial routes selection time period bug
Fix update routing destination location bug
Fix show diagram minor bug
3.6.1 - 1/19/2022
Able to update Link user defined attribute (UDT) and display type
Able to use percentages when changing routes origins
3.6 - 10/17/2021
Create speed heatmap from Vehicle Travel Time results (in addition to Link Evaluation results
and Data Collection results)
Visualize running errors by displaying them graphically
Create Travel time segments from a path crossing Nodes (in addition from INRIX file)
Improved Freeway Diagram, support choice lanes, left entry/exit, non-proportional display
Compare networks, side by side and synchronized view, support displaying demand volumes for both
Show volume bandwidth difference against other scenario
Simplified and improved interface, move less used Data Collection Points, Travel Time
Measurement, DTA Path, Detector, Transit to Network Object window
Move MOE options to Options dialog
3.5.1 - 7/28/2021
Add capability to update Link attributes
Enhanced Routings filtering, add by name or by type - static, partial, parking
Treat Routing default fraction value as 1 if specific time period values are missing
Improved messages when creating routes, inputs and compositions
Allow comma thousand separator for fraction numbers when loading routes
Able to calculate the Parking demand on the parking lot from the parking routes
Able to make links orthogonal
3.5.0 - 9/27/2020
Add capability, by one click, to get basic throughput capacity for each driving behavior by
running VISSIM through COM
Add capability to display key driving behavior parameters visually, whether different from
defaults or in suggested ranges by DOT standard. Ranges can be customized in the settings.
Add capability to display where lane change starts for selected connector, support per lane
Add capability to plot vehicle trajectory from raw vehicle record and signal change files, help
to debug actual signal offsets performance
Add capability to create travel time segment from INRIX TMC or XD descriptions file with one
single click
[Free] Enhanced filtering static routes - support non consecutive links, for example 3,50 - any
path through Link #3 first, then through #50, but not necessarily the immediate next
[Free] Purge MOE output .att files by deleting individual seeds results, keep only 'AVG' rows
[Free] Copy & Rename MOE output database .db files (in SQLite format) - useful for gathering
different seed runs from many sources - VISSIM requires 'NO' column in 'SIMULATIONRUN' table is
the same as filename itself, you can also File -> Read Additionally -> Simulation Run
Add capability to to change static routes origin and destination in a batch process
Add capability to delimit raw detector record file (*.ldp) for easier imported into Excel
Add capability to show intersection LOS/delay by approach instead by movement for intersection
Add capability to auto create detectors along specified parking lots
Set default routeChoiceMeth as "STATIC" for VISSIM 11 or later
Able to read DCP/DCM correctly when it's long integer
Fix the speed heat map cell tooltip bug always display the LinkEval Start time period value
Better hints and messaging for loading format
3.4.9 - 5/3/2020
[Free] Add capability to display RBC signals - lightweight and fast
Add capability to quickly adding/removing number of lanes along a path without deleting
upstream/downstream connectors, will not break routes
Add capability to save user defined attributes for Links display type for individual lanes
Improved Loading process
Better hints and messaging for loading format
Allow zones with invalid IDs to go ahead, they will just get ignored, saving extra work
for "imperfect" OD matrix
Add capability to combine two static routings starting at the same link with the same
vehicle class
Allow two different destination zones ending on the same link, they will be treated as
separate routes
Allow change Link IDs for destination zone with specified OD pair, this feature allows
them ending on different links, thus saving extra work for route replacement
Allow certain links to be globally ignored regardless of Origin zones, this feature will
help skip certain links such as bus only links
Allow internal connector (connect back to link itself) as long as its end distance is
before start distance in the path building, this is helpful for certain roundabouts
Improve warning message for undecided volumes when calculating demand
Fix reading metric network bug
3.4.8 - 1/12/2020
Add capability to run list of VISSIM files & auto save result .att files through COM
Improve Partial Routes calculation - taking account of its vehicle types & fix a bug of sibling
Partial Routes
Add capability to display and filter Dynamic Traffic Assignment path (*.weg file) by link IDs,
not just edge sequence
Improve feedback messages in the Loading Compositions/Vehicle Inputs and Replace Routes
3.4.7 - 5/4/2019
Add mechanism to compare two VISSIM files side by side, highlighting the text difference and
synchronized viewing (panning and zooming) of two networks
Add capability to take account of partial routings when calculating demand
Improve the displaying of demand volumes by allowing any combination of vehicle types, unlike
previously only one single vehicle types or All is used
Improve the manipulation of lane closures, allow add/remove lane closures starting from
left-most lane (-1)
Fix Create DCP starting distance is not working bug
Fix Freeway diagram Exit number partially hidden bug
Fix Calculate demand bug (when a routing decision on the same link but behind multiple routing
decisions exactly at same distance)
Change the way to report Link Level speed using the formula total Volume/total Density if link
evaluation per lane is ticked
3.4.6 - 11/17/2018
Add capability to open and save in VISSIM 11 format files - breaking changes:
Interactively show the shortest path between links under prevailing favor/penalty conditions and
copy associated path (link/connector IDs)
Able to view Transit Stop & Transit Lines
Add function to filter link and connectors by names
Able to minimize side bar
3.4.5 - 9/15/2018
Add function to toggle level visibility under Utility tab in the sidebar
Add function to copy/move signal RBC files under Utility tab in the sidebar
Improve Travel Time diagram, add option to read travel time for specific vehicle types and free
flow speed plot
3.4.4 - 9/2/2018
Zoom/Pan is set to be the same as in VISSIM now - scroll mouse wheel to zoom and middle mouse
drag to pan, hold Ctrl key while scrolling is scrolling window (You can change this in the
option). You still can pan by left mouse drag, or just hit left/right arrow keys.
Better presentation graphics for intersection diagram, to differentiate Node ID and delay etc.
In the auto generation of static routes, add option to force a link must be chosen for certain
OD pairs
MOE window is not set as top-most anymore, in other words, if you open Options or Advanced
Routing window, they can be on front/top. If you have dual monitor, you can move MOE window to
the second monitor not to block the map window.
Route name is shown both in the Routes listing and Volume Details listing
3.4.3 - 6/24/2018
Add showing 95 percentile queue length from Node Evaluation or Queue Counter - user has to
define percentiles in the Result Management and turn on Time Interval Aggregates
Default link label color changed to by Link type for better differentiation
Add viewing more network objects - Parking Lot & Detectors
Fix a displaying queue length bug introduced in 3.2 - not going upstream to full length
Add busy Indicator when loading volumes, open link evaluation/data collection results
Visualize OD Matrix from the Dynamic assignment - self contained OD matrices in the VISSIM file
itself after version 9
3.4.2 - 6/17/2018
Add option not to show routings, links etc. in the sidebar, improve performance when the
network is very large, like 300 MB
NLog Dll upgraded to 4.5.6 from version 2
Target .Net 4, remove deprecated BitmapEffect for selected network objects, use ShaderEffect
3.4.1 - 6/10/2018
Display Travel Time chart
Fix a bug - Freeway Diagram wrongly start where the first DCP is
3.4.0 - 6/3/2018
Import/Visualize Link Eval results, support per segment, per lane, per time period.
Post/Colorize density,speed
and throughput & one click to create speed heatmap, support mouse hovering for more details
Import Travel Time results, able to highlight the current travel time section in map
Display warning without 'AVG' rows when reading MOE results (*.att)
Allow logging calculation steps to a file
Displaying Data Collection result (Speed & Throughput) in the Map directly
Data collection results for VISSIM 9 and later, read 'SPEEDAVGARITH(ALL)' and
addition to 'SPEED(ALL)'
Improve the error message for the Node diagram when choosing Node Matrix option, spaces used
not tab,
wrong orientation etc.
Improve mouse left-click, won't allow to select the lane markings, able to select links under
the Node
Improve the performance of calculating volume/speed
Improve the performance of reading large MOE files with multiple seeds - Read MOE files twice,
parse to determine the average seed exists or not, instead of bringing in everything
Open VISSIM File in the worker thread
Fix a bug - Left mouse click not able to de-select current network objects
Fix a bug - when initialed load, need click button twice to generate the freeway diagram or
Fix a bug sorting the downstream connectors when calculating demand volume
Fix a bug sometimes not displaying the last connector for the highlighted route
Fix a bug when showing arrow on connectors
Fix a bug open 5.4 VISSIM file when Data Collection Point is extremely close to the the link
Expand DSD labels and tooltip content
Improve "parallel polyline" showing, for the sharp turn link/connectors
NavigationGraph allow parallel arcs, for the correct graph segment volume calculation on the
3.3.0 - 5/13/2018
New shortcut Ctrl + B to toggle showing demand bandwidth
Improve intersection diagram, auto layout to show schematic view
Add viewing new Network object - Reduced Speed Area
Improve freeway diagram, demand stick diagram
Improve loading OD demand - better tooltip and message box for feedback, more robust code
Improve Options window
Make network objects the same VISSIM default coloring scheme, and allow customized label colors
Match VISSIM, no distance difference between inner and outer lanes on the curved links
Match VISSIM, network version 301 or later - for the routing start distance use full double
15 or 16 digits
Fix a bug reading DSD in VISSIM 5.4 and earlier version
Set current row to red color for Routing/Error/Link List View
3.2.0 -2/25/2018
Add demand volume stick diagram for schematic view
Add function to import elevation (z coordinates) for all links through USGS web service
Improve speed heat map generation instructions
When load the OD demand, ignore the internal connectors (from/to the same link)
Fix a bug not saving routing when the original file has empty routing
Fix a bug saving link names have special characters such as en dash – and em dash —
Fix a bug drag dropped VISSIM file not showing in the recent file list
Add scroll bar to Options Window for small monitor size
3.1.0 - 1/7/2018
Add VAP features - VAPPad
Fix a bug not showing route fraction value
Add function to disable links by ID when loading specific OD pair demand
Add function to specify routing start/end distance by Link ID
Allow comments in the Route Find & Replace File
Improve check message box for Route Find & Replace File
Improve save double value - disallow scientific notation
Improve startup performance
Fix a bug calculating demand by segments - when the different connectors are at exact location
3.0.0 - 8/6/2017
Calculate demand volume based on segment [Graph mode - traditional Node-Link sense] instead of
VISSIM link; able to do turn by turn volumes on grid network
Visualize Node Evaluation results such as queue/volume/delay etc. in the map
Display Intersection Diagram for volume/delay/queue - additional bells and whistles such as
Sankey diagram for Volume, Gauge
for Signal Delay with LOS
Zoom to Specific Links, Node, Queue Counter, Data Collection, Routing, Error View by double
click the
element etc.
Expand creating routing functions - select multiple OD files at the same time & allow multiple
time periods,
specify routing start/end distance on the link